899TRACK.ZIP 96,212 03-06-90 Music directors' tracker for releases from400+ record companies. Excellent database.
CALCUFRT.ZIP 28,164 06-01-94 Computes fret scales for musical instruments.Any scale length & any number of frets peroctave permitted. User-friendly interface.
CHORD20.ZIP 217,783 08-23-93 CHORDMASTER 2.0 - Chord Chemistry pgm. forguitarist's. This new version introduces theTab View Sequencer, which can play AXE filesthrough a MIDI device or Sound Card. AXEfiles contain notes, timings, tunings,
CHORDIAG.ZIP 23,493 02-09-94 Windows utility that enables you to create aguitar fingering diagrams and then copy it itto the clipboard for later insertionelsewhere.
CHRDMAGC.ZIP 31,754 05-17-93 ChordMagic v1.0. Experiment with guitarchords hit a key and and Chord Magic willtell you what chord you're playing.
CLARINET.ZIP 54,567 01-31-94 Clarinet Master Class v1.0. Tutorials to aidin learning to play the clarinet.
CMS105.ZIP 19,352 02-01-93 Colortone Music System. Music notation method
EZPNO11A.ZIP 331,234 10-08-94 EZPNO v1.1a Easy Piano by Kula Software!
FGSMMF30.ZIP 82,109 12-20-92 Melissa's Music Flashcards v3.0: Learn musicwith regular flashcards. Fun! Color screens.
FINDSNG5.ZIP 141,630 07-17-92 Simple Text Search Music Database, 3800 Entry
FMSMMF.ZIP 60,274 05-08-91 ASP> Melissa's Music Notation Flashcards
GBOOGIE.ZIP 180,272 01-17-95 Guitar Boogie - helps you learn chords andscales in Windows. It also contains a songeditor that allows you to save and printsheets of lyrics and chords. RequiresVBRUN300 to operate.
GBV10A.ZIP 138,818 09-30-94 Goldberg Variations Study Guide v1.0: usefuldocument in Windows help format for musicstudents that covers the history of thecomposition by J.S. Bach, discusses theme andvariation, illustrates the compositional
GITAR144.ZIP 113,876 06-23-93 Guitar Teacher v144: instructional packagethat includes a guitar tuner that is accurateto 1/10,000th of a cycle per second; and adatabase of guitar chord diagrams
GITARID.ZIP 1006,911 05-07-93 AXE - Guitar Identification Demo. View,research or catalog any vintage Americanguitar. Look up serial numbers, track yourinventory, or just look at beautiful fullscreen pictures of your favorite old guitars
GTWIN200.ZIP 517,887 05-20-95 GUITAR TEACHER 2.00 Windows. Chord database.Guitar Teacher is a system for displayingguitar-chord diagrams. Features: * SupportsSound Blaster, MIDI audio boards * 7 chordformulas, 6 alternatives per chord * 504
GUITAR11.ZIP 132,131 07-20-93 Enjoy Your Guitar v1.1 for Windows. Editor-Librarian for guitar chords and scales. UsesMIDI or your PC speaker.
GUITAR20.ZIP 82,429 04-26-95 The Ultimate Guitar Lesson - is a 3-D guitartutor for Windows. It covers note and stringnames, scales, and more.
GUITAR3.ZIP 19,720 10-12-90 Tutor for learning the guitar
KEYNOT11.ZIP 203,402 05-19-95 KeyNote Music Drills 1.1 was designed to helpmusic students learn to identify the notes ofthe Bass Clef, Treble Clef, and Grand Staff,and to locate their positions on the keyboardprogress indicator bar.
KM21DEMO.ZIP 72,542 04-11-91 Keyboard Master: Piano exploration/learning
LISTENUP.ZIP 84,313 01-11-94 ListenUp - helps improve your sense of pitch.
LUP300.ZIP 83,846 04-06-93 ListenUp v3.00: ear training software formusicians that combines sound and colors in agraphical user interface to help musiciansimprove their sense of pitch; req EGA/VGA;
ME412.ZIP 445,341 11-07-94 MUSICEASE v4.12 <ASP> - A music score editorwhich lets you create, edit, print, and playmusic notation. Includes a WYSIWYG screenoriented editor which allows you to see themusical score exactly as it will be printed.
MOTABS.ZIP 14,577 01-27-95 Collection of Megadeth TABlature files forguitar.
MOZART13.ZIP 853,429 05-15-95 MOZART the Windows 3.1 Music Processorcreates, edits, and prints music scores andindividual parts using the computer keybordonly; is WYSIWYG; saves scores to disk andexports MIDI files for "aural preview" on
MT201.ZIP 194,316 01-04-94 METROTUNE VERSION 2.01 <ASP> Super Metronomeand Tuning Aid- Converts your computer intoaccurate standards of tempo, pitch andrhythm, useful for students &professionals.Novel features include Visual &
MUSIC17.ZIP 257,093 10-04-94 Music Sculptor 1.7 for Windows. Very Easy touse MIDI sequencer with music keyboardwindow. Record, edit, and play music. Workswith any Windows-compatible sound card orMIDI interface. Use with either external MIDI
MUSIC200.ZIP 293,111 12-25-94 MUSIC 2.0 Electronic Song Book for Chords andLyrics
MYPIANO.ZIP 299,955 07-05-92 My Piano v3.0. Study guides/games to teach
NBN130.ZIP 147,501 01-01-93 Note by Note v1.30 Musical Drills or FreePlay for Piano or Guitar
NOTEFACE.ZIP 58,724 06-06-94 NoteFace - is a simple Windows game thatassists in learning to read music. As notesfloat by on the treble clef, you must selectthe correct key or the note will become angryand make a face at you.
NOTEWORT.ZIP 261,513 01-16-95 NoteWorthy - is a system for editing andprinting musical scores
NWC12.ZIP 694,997 05-15-95 NoteWorthy Composer V1.20 A NotationProcessor for Windows - Provides for thecreation, play back, and printing of your ownmusical scores. - Imports and Exports MIDIfiles. - Provides selective staff print -looking and
PIANOINV.ZIP 78,725 02-02-94 Piano Invaders - is an action game in whichplayers become familiar with musical notesand piano keyboard. Players can print a blackand white piano keyboard overlay which can beor Laser printer.
PIANOTUT.ZIP 102,398 01-29-91 Computer Assisted Basic Piano Tutor.
PPITCH10.ZIP 91,381 10-19-94 Perfect Pitch is a program designed forvocalists and instrumentalists who need tosee what they are singing or playing. Theprogram records your voice or instrumentalsound and displays the note you are singing
PPROF10A.ZIP 1670,402 06-20-94 Piano Professor for Windows, version 1.0a. AWindows program designed to help you learnhow to read music. Features a Note Tutor,Chord Encyclopedia, Keyboard Layout, and adetailed help system.
RECOR110.ZIP 116,248 11-01-93 RECORDER TUTOR Version 1.1 Teaches you toplay a musical instrument called a recorder.Has two main parts: the right side shows themusical staves, while the left side of thescreen shows the recorder. Notes are
SHOOTNOT.ZIP 37,289 06-26-92 Shoot-the-Notes 1.0, game for learningmusical notes, can be set from beginners toadvanced players. Sets up a musical staffwith notes and then plays a note, you have alimited amount of time to shoot the right
SQTET143.ZIP 87,813 01-06-93 String Quartet v1.43 is a tuner for violin,viola, cello and bass.
TABESTRY.ZIP 1012,588 06-01-95 Tabestry for windows. Easily enter and printguitar tablature.
TMO_12.ZIP 218,606 08-02-92 Musician's DJ: Create and maintain set sheetssong lists, job schedules, multiple customcontracts. Also includes chord builder, scalebuilder, key reference chart, tuner. TheMusician's Organizer Version 1.2
TUDOS160.ZIP 94,207 02-09-94 Guitar Tuner - is a six-string-guitar tuner.
TUNE.ZIP 94,439 10-29-91 How To Tune A Piano.
TUNEIT10.ZIP 121,927 04-13-95 Tune!It v1.0. Designed to tune musicalinstruments using a microphone or by directlyconnecting the instrument to the PC'ssoundcard.
TUNER142.ZIP 91,543 11-23-92 Guitar Tuner v1.42.
VOCAL11.ZIP 40,863 10-05-94 Vocal CD - Music CD player for Windows 3.1Vocal CD has all the functions of an averageCD player, plus it allows you to input thelyrics to your songs, time them, and it willscroll the words across the screen as the